Takahashi Fish Farm

Mr. Takehisa Takahashi & Takahashi Fish Farm
Takahashi Fish Farm was founded in 1958 by Mr. Takehishi Takahashi, the father of the current owner.
This farm is renowned for breeding world class Showa. In fact, Showa comprise 50% of all their annual sales.
Located in Uonuma, Niigata prefecture, the local soil is composed mostly of clay and sand which is conducive to the breeding of top quality Showa.
These Showa stand apart from their contemporaries, as they have striking, strong patterns and rich, deep “Hi”.
Ownership of the farm has since passed to Mr. Takehisa Takahashi, the son of the farm’s founder, and he carries on the family business with pride and aplomb.
Breeding from 10 pairs of Parent fish, the average annual yield is around 20,000 fish but Mr. Takahashi would like to increase this ten fold.
Fish from this farm are particularly beautiful even when young, as such 80% of sales are of Tosai (1 year old) fish, with the other 20% being Nisai (2 years old).
They have approximately 60,000 Metres Squared for their breeding area, with a mixture of mud and concrete ponds.
Aside from Showa, Takahashi Fish Farm also breeds wonderful Asagi and Hikarimono.